Abstract Submission

Online Submission

Abstracts may be submitted online only. Abstracts sent by mail, e-mail, fax will not be accepted.

Please submit your abstract via the online system. Once you have created your personal account, you will receive a password by e-mail. With this password, you will be able to login to your account and submit your abstract.

Please note: by submitting a manuscript, you are automatically identified as the corresponding author!

You will receive an immediate e-mail acknowledgement after a successful abstract submission. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation immediately after your abstract is submitted, please re-submit, ensuring all the required fields are complete. If you continue to have problems, contact the Seminar Office at +43 5672 600 2800 or plansee.seminar@plansee.com.

The acceptance notification for abstracts will be e-mailed to the corresponding author by December 09, 2024. Once your abstract has been accepted, we will send you guidelines for manuscript preparation.

If you need to edit or withdraw your abstract, please login with your login credentials and go to the menu item “Submitted Papers”. Changes are only possible until the abstract submission deadline (October 04, 2024).

In case you require assistance please contact the Seminar Office.


Guidelines for Abstract Preparation

The following information will be required during the online submission process:

  • Complete title of the abstract.

  • Topic category which best corresponds to the content of your abstract in the field of Refractory Metals or
    P/M Hard Materials.

  • Preferred form of presentation: oral, poster or either. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to reassign presentations as they deem appropriate.

  • The abstract should be text only (no figures, graphs or tables) and should not exceed 175 words. Refrain from using special symbols in the abstract text. All units or measurements must be expressed in SI units.

  • Abstracts will be published as received. Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors.

  • Contact details (name, organization, country) of all authors. Additionally, the e-mail address of the presenting author is required.